It's Friday, and something very exciting has happened this morning in the Harris household !
Cruz was quite poorly yesterday and spent most of the day on the sofa, so we asked him this morning if he wanted to go outside for some fresh air as he's feeling much better, Cruz straight away wanted to ride his motorbike - no surprise. Cruz loves riding a bike - whether it's a balance bike, pedal bike or his motorbike, you'll often see him at a speedway track with a bike of some sort, he's usually disappointed when he can't get on the track with 'the big boys'
First things first, the Harris boys need to get the bike ready! The poor Revvi had a puncture, so the boys needed to take the back wheel out and fit a new inner tube - so out comes the toolbox (Cruz has his own mini toolbox and tools it's sooo blooming' cute).
Whilst the boys work on the bike, I get to work - I need to get a contract back to the guys in Olching (for an open meeting just to be clear, not a 2023 one before the rumours start) and book some flights for Chris's trip to Germany this weekend for an individual Speedway meeting, his 32nd weekend away this season (yes you read that right 32 weekends away) - and hopefully the last until 2023.
Flights booked, Contract sent, Bike fixed so the 3 of us (the girls are at school) venture outside with the Revvi. And just like that our little Cruz climbed on his bike and rode his little Revvi motorbike without stabilisers for the first time - eek!!!!!!
We managed to experience this moment together, it was amazing. I have to say I was a little emotional - it's scary and fabulous all at the same time, but it was just the best feeling hearing Cruz cheer 'I done it, I done it' his face lit up with the biggest smile, so proud of himself. But, can you imagine witnessing Chris watch his son ride his motorbike for the first time - it was everything I imagined and so much more - his body language, the sparkle in his eyes and the proudest grin you have ever seen - he congratulated Cruz with a high five - a moment I'll never forget. 2 years & 8.5 months old - and he's off ....
Not going to lie, Chris's current google search 'Pee Wee 50's for sale' lol
On another note, crazy season is still in full swing - phone calls, emails and texts galore today - but we remain firmly on the rollercoaster ride, with still just 1 signature ...
Fantastic to hear about the family side of things too. It's not only about what Chris does on the track. Lots of organising behind the scenes
Brilliant so pleased for you to be there to see Cruz take his first ride stabiliser free.😊
I'ts so nice to read about the other side if the track but I hope you can keep the keyboard riff raff away....
Were there tears - I bet there